We appreciate that facing criminal proceedings for a motoring offence can be very worrying. We are committed to helping you through the whole process with as little stress as possible and that starts with being transparent with regards to our fees.
We will carry out an initial assessment to determine whether you will qualify for legal aid. If you qualify for legal aid, there is no charge for the work we carry out on your behalf.
In all other cases, we charge £600 plus VAT (VAT at 20%) for representation in relation to summary-only motoring offences at all of our local courts, such as Drink or Drug Driving, Speeding Offences, Driving without Due Care and Attention.
Unless otherwise expressly agreed between us the fees shown below include:
· Considering evidence
· Providing advice in relation to plea and likely sentence
· Where appropriate, advice on whether an exceptional hardship, or special reasons argument should be made (see explanation below)
· Our attendance and representation at a single hearing at the Magistrates’ Court
Criminal litigation can be uncertain. If your case is not disposed of at the first hearing, it is very difficult to anticipate the likely total costs that you will incur. However, we will endeavour to keep you fully informed of your likely costs as your case progresses.
If a case is to be dealt with at another Court which is not local to our offices, then our fees and disbursements may be different due to the increase in travel time and costs etc. The fees also assume that there are no unusual or exceptional circumstances and that you (and others, where appropriate,) will cooperate with ourselves.
The fixed fee for a first hearing or guilty plea will not include the following services:
· Preparation for trial and representation at trial
· Instruction of any expert witnesses
· Taking statements from any witnesses
· Advice and assistance in relation to a special reasons hearing
· Advice and Assistance in relation to an exceptional hardship hearing
· Any additional hearings
· If you are unhappy with the outcome, the cost of challenging a decision or considering your options on appeal
· Attendance at a Court outside the Leicestershire area
If you plead not guilty or there are any circumstances that mean your matter is adjourned, for example your matter is adjourned for trial, this will not be included in the fixed fee. If your case cannot be concluded at the first hearing, our standard hourly rates will apply in relation to all further work. Those hourly rates are based on the experience of the person dealing with your case:
Director and Senior Solicitors £250 per hour
Other Solicitors/Legal Executive £220 per hour
Paralegals £150 per hour
Or do you want fixed fees regardless??
We offer fixed fees for Magistrates’ Court Trials starting at £1,000 + VAT for a half day trial. Our fee for a full day trial starts at £1,500 + VAT. Our fees for trials will vary depending on the amount of work and expertise required to conduct the case. Please contact our team for more details.
Expenses and Disbursements not included in the fee quoted
· Interpreters’ fees
· Translation of documents
· Instruction of any expert witnesses. Each case is assessed on it’s own merits and it is not possible to list every type of expert report that may be required.
Costs vary according to your individual circumstances. We will always obtain a quote from the third party and agree the fee with you before commissioning any report. Normally VAT is payable on third party fees.
If you plead not guilty and are acquitted, we can ask the court to consider making an order that some of your costs can be recovered from central funds. This is known as a Defendants Costs Order.
Reduced rates may be available depending on your means. Please feel free to contact us to discuss.
“Special Reasons” for Not Disqualifying or Endorsing a Licence with Penalty Points
Special reasons may exist that allow the Court not to order a licence to be endorsed with penalty points or to disqualify a driver. “Special Reasons” concern the circumstances of the offence and must be matters the Court ought properly to take into account when imposing its penalty.
“Exceptional Hardship” and Other Circumstances for Not Ordering a Disqualification
Where a Court imposes penalty points this may in turn also require the Court to disqualify the driver. Typically, this arises where points are added and the driver has then accumulated twelve or more points so that the driver is liable to be disqualified under the “totting up” rules. The Court may find that they need not disqualify (or to disqualify for a lesser period) if the circumstances justify this. Such circumstances can include, for example, where “exceptional hardship” would be caused to the driver or others if the driver were to be disqualified.
The law relating to “special reasons” and “exceptional hardship” is complex and requires advice in the individual circumstances.
The fees mentioned above assume that the case will be dealt with at a local Magistrates’ Court. If a case is to be dealt with at another Court then our fees and disbursements may be different due to the increase in travel time and costs etc. The fees also assume that there are no unusual or exceptional circumstances and that you (and others, where appropriate,) will cooperate with ourselves
Value Added Tax (VAT):
VAT is a tax that we are required to charge in addition it our fees and, in some cases, also upon disbursements. The VAT rate is presently 20% so this must be added to the fee chargeable. So, for example, a fee of £150 + VAT will require a total payment of £180, inclusive of VAT of £30.
It is not possible to set a timescale for the completion of a case because it is dependent upon what is involved. If, for example, we represent you at Court on a guilty plea hearing, then it may be completed on the same day. Some cases will be adjourned for reports or sent to the Crown Court to be dealt with. If you wish to appeal the decision of the Magistrates' then the case will take much longer. Trials within Magistrates' Court are currently completed within 4 months or so from the initial hearing when a not guilty plea is entered. Cases referred to the Crown Court will take much longer.